Jazz & Silver

Jazz and Silver describes my struggle to capture the essence of the performing Jazz musician.

Ruud Breuls in 'de Observant'

Posted by F_D_K on Thursday 17 December 2009

Alexander Beets, originally uploaded by F_D_K.
Yet another performance in 'de Observant' in Amersfoort, but this time no singers allowed! On the saxophone, Alexander Beets. On the trumpet, Ruud Breuls.
     These guys really know how to play Jazz. They play together with amazing timing and know exactly when to pick up after a solo.
     I shot a film of Fuji Neopan 1600 with my Contax G1 at the concert. Most of the pictures on my photostream were shot with the 90mm f/2.8 Sonnar. It's a wonderfully sharp optic, even wide open, but it does take some practice to master the combination of the G1 and the Sonnar. The camera body often struggles to acquire focus. It's true what they say, the G1 is difficult to use with the 90mm. Nevertheless, I enjoy the sharpness and the character of the lens. Sometimes I long for a faster combination, like a leica with a summicron-m 90mm, but for now I can cope with the contax. At least it's about ten times cheaper.
      I've an unfinished roll of Kodak Tmax 400 (TMY-2) in my Konica Hexar with some more shots of these guys, and I'm hoping for some more 'keepers'. The Hexar AF gives me so much more speed I can easily shoot 400 iso film instead of 1600 iso film. Anyone shooting in bars and other dark venues should own one. It's simply wonderful.
      If you like the pictures, please leave a comment on my photostream!


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